Formally known as 'Let's Get Shabby' since 2009.
Times have changed and many of us have found our styles have too.

Sunday, April 25, 2010



Here in Australia at the moment its Autumn!
And maybe where you live its Spring!!
Either way, look at this incredible Quilt.
Be inspired however you would be nice to see you include some fabric somewhere
but remember...
its a



Here's the prize!!
Twiddleybitz pack including 1 x Funky Townhouse, 1 x Funky Attic House, 1 x Nero Wrought Iron Border, 1 x Hanging Chandelier, 1x Chandelier for Cards
sponsored by
thanks soooooo much!!!
Psssst: There will also be a special kit available from Sissey made up just for 'Let's Get Shabby'
Check back here for more details soon!!
Remember to check the FAQS and Rules on the lefthand side
And upload your Challenge #11 creations by midnight (Australian time) 20th May!

The Shabby Girls will get their creations and details up on their blogs soon!!

We absolutely cant wait to see for your submissions!!!



Julie said...

Wow girls just love the creation you have all done for this challenge. Can't see what our shabby players put together.

Unknown said...

oh my...that's not an easy challenge!!! But then again, it is a challenge ha ha!!!
Love your entries, great inspiration!!!
And the prize is really really great!!!!!
I hope to upload my entry very soon!

ann said...

WOW what an awesome prize for a lucky winner.

Anonymous said...

Fab challenge and awesome work by the DT - as always!!

Just a little bit Crafty said...

A super challenge this time. Which way to go? I think it's time to put on my thinking cap. Love the DT creations, they are as always AMAZING.
p.s. note to self: don't leave it to the last minute. lol

Unknown said...

Wauw......what can i say ...GREAT WORK GIRLS and a great challenge again..thanks..
bye bye,Lean.

CraftCrave said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
wendela said...

owww wow girls what a gorgeous work, and what a great challenge!!


Deb said...

Beautiful creations by the DT and guest DT...awesome work and a great challenge once again.

Marg said...

Once again an awesome awesome challenge...Gorgeous work by all the team...luv marg xxx

Unknown said...

Oh my, what gorgeousness! Such pretties created by the DT!!

Deb said...

Thanks for the great challenge again girls.....mine can be found here.

Majo said...

All of you do a fabulous job, I will try to join in. This is a great challenge!

Asil said...

Love the challenge as usual - you have the best ones! :D And your DT contributions are all so fantastic!

I focused on the colour red from the picture and here's my take - Oldefar (Grandfather)!

sam said...

Of magnificent realizations for an original and colored challenge!!! Congratulations the girls!...
If you want to see my page, it is here... Goodbye, Sam

Maja Stokk / eyovine said...

This was a great challenge =). And the DT work is stunning! I had great fun doing this one =D. Here´s my take.

// maja

Marg said...

Wow what an awesome challenge and I had the most fun...Thanks for all the inspiration DT...
You can find my take here:

Rhonda Bates said...

Best inspiration yet, thank you ladies. My take is at

JaN's ArTy JouRneY said...

Thanks again for some fabby inspiration!
Another fab challenge.
All the DT work is stunning as always.
Here is my take on the Challenge

Jan x

Tanja W. said...

Yours design teams works are gorgeous and fantastic. Thanks for the great challenge.
My work you can find here:

yyam said...

I haven't played in a's mine!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic challenge. It was fun:)

Here is mine:

Boukje said...

What a great challenge!
You can find my take on the colourchallenge here:

Have a nice day!
Greetz Boukje.

ann said...

Here is my entry and thanks for the challenge.

Vibeke said...

I LOVE your challenge!!:)
Here is my try:

Maria said...

Hi Girls,
Thanks for a great challenge here is my interpretation....

Lisa K said...

Here is my take - I did an Off the page for a change!!


just another day said...

Thanks for the fabulous inspiration ..jere my page

liszha said...

Great stuff that has been made so far. Here is mine:

Sherry's Creations said...

Awesome work by the DT girls for this challenge! Thanks for having me Guest DT for this month :-)

Sissey DT member

Unknown said...

Hi girls you can find my take on the challenge at

Julene Matthews said...

My take on the challenge is at
I used fabric to make the curtains.

Iselinn Sofie said...

hun er mitt bidrag:

Janniche Drivdal Eriksen said...

hennes er mitt bidrag

Just a little bit Crafty said...

Here is the link to my entry. I took inspiration from the sunny, patchwork country side.

Thanks for the fun challenge and the DT creations are stunning.

Angela Weimer said...

Here is my project link -
I tried to use rich colours such as brown and blue and rust/red for my inspiration.

The DT creations are all so beautiful. thanks for sharing them with us. Angela

Lynne said...

Love this challenge!! Here's my entry link

Lou said...

Thanks for the great challenge.. will admit I was a bit stumped at first...but then a little inspiration happened.. here is my entry..
Lou xx

ZozzosLiv said...

Here´s my colourful Layout!! :-D But I scrapped in spring colours!

Thanks for a great challenge and the DT creations are just too stunning..:-D

mandysea said...

Hi Lynne and Zozzo!!
We've tried to leave a comment on your blogs but the comment section isnt working so no one can leave some love for you.....

But just want to say......

lovely lovely work!!!

ZozzosLiv said...

Hmrpf...Can you try again?? I have changed somemthings with the comments...It´s not my day today ;-)

mandysea said...

All fixed Zozzo!!! We are able to leave a comment. Hope your day gets better!!

Lene said...

Thanks for a great challenge!

Here the link to my entry:

RStovall said...

Great inspiration. Here is my entry:

zandra said...

Just seem to be getting it in under the wire? lol
here is mine:

mandysea said...

Challenge is now closed.
Thanks for playing!!