Formally known as 'Let's Get Shabby' since 2009.
Times have changed and many of us have found our styles have too.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Sadly we must wave Hilde good-bye and wish her well in her new ventures with one being a design team position with Tattered Angels. Hilde will complete her time with us when Challenge 4 is revealed to show her last gorgeous dt Shabby Creation

This brings us to the introduction of our newest design team member. And we felt that USA needed to be represented in what has become our truly international Shabby Challenge Blog!

We soooooo LOVE this!!

The work of this fabulous Scrapper is outstanding and I'm sure you will agree!!

At the reveal of Challenge Four on the 25th we will see her first dt creation!!

Sooooo who is she?

Will we wait until then?

No that would be horrible to make you wait that long......


We will do it now!!!

Welcome to


TONISee Toni's fabulous work here!

And remember to have those Challenge Three creations in!! The 20th(Sydney Aust time) is drawing near (19th for internationals)


Kirsty said...

Congrats Hilde, and hey there Toni!

Timcso said...

Congratulations Hilde and Toni!!!

Hugs, Tímea

Jenneke said...

Good luck, Hilde.

A happy and warm WELCOME to TONI!!!!
So great to have you on our team!!


Deb said...

Thanks to Hilde for your wonderful inspiration and congratulations on your new venture. Congratulations and welcome Toni....your work is stunning.

liszha said...

Congratulations Tony!

Rhonda said...

Sad to see you go Hilde. I will be keeping up with what you are doing on your Blog! Good luck with your new direction... One lucky lady to be able to work with TA...
When I was reading who was going to take over I was gooing.... "I hope it is Toni" I love your work Toni and am so pleased you are going to be part of the Shabby team!

Anonymous said...

Gosh that is FABULOUS Toni - when I saw the announcement, and I saw it was someone from the USA, your name popped straight into my mind, you do SHABBY CHIC soooo well... CONGRATS, and CONGRATS to Hilde for making the Tattered Angels DT, WOW that is just FABULOUS

Scrappiness said...

Congratulations both Hilde and Tony!! Well deserved girls, youre creations are so inspiring!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Good Luck Hilde....and CONGRATS TONI! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Unknown said...

Bye bye Hilda and good luck with your isnspiring work and hello Toni congrats with your new dt work.
Greetings ,Lean.

Toni said...

Thank you Guys, Wow what a WELCOME!!!! I am so Excited to be working along side of some of my FAVORITE scrappers!!!!
I have some BIG SHOES to fill.. Hilde is such a great artist! Congrats Hilde!!
I luv the shabby los & I am amazed by all the beautiful los that r submitted, the hardest part is going to be to pick only one, everytime I go to someones blog to look at their lo for the challenge I am blown away by their CREATIONS!!
Thanks again for the WARM WELCOME!!! Toni

Unknown said...

Congrats Hilde, again ;) & congrats Toni for joining this great DT! I think it must be an honour to be part of it!

Gro aka emrille said...

Congratulations both to Hilde and Toni. Toni - your work is beautiful! Can't wait to see what you will do for the blog:)

Paper Paradise said...

Good Luck Hilde, you will be missed, and good luck Toni. I follow Toni's blog and she is a worthy design team member. Her work always amazes me. Looking forward to seeing more of her work on your brilliant blog.
Sue x

sam said...

Congrat's and good luck to Hilde.
Warm WELCOME to TONI in this big adventure !!!!

zandra said...

Sorry to see Hilde go~good luck in your next journey! You go girl~Toni! It's so awesome!

Pearl said...

When I think of Shabby Chic ,I definitely think of Toni Kelly ! she epitomizes it so well ! a terrific rep fm the USA for sure ! lol! fab to see her on your DT ! Congrats , Toni !!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Toni!! I love your work! And congrats to Hilde too :)

Mrs Frizz said...

Congratulations to both of you ladies ... your creativity is so very inspirational!!!