Another Shabby rak
Here is what you will all be playing for......
A gorgeous collection of scrappy goodies donated by my fellow Shabby sister Toni.
Thanks a bunch Toni!

I am sure that who ever wins this pile of goodies is bound to have fun with them if I don't cave into temptation and raid them first!!
Now I'm guessing you all want to know just what you have to do to be in the running for this rak.
Now I'm guessing you all want to know just what you have to do to be in the running for this rak.
Most of you that know me, know that I love guessing games.
So that is what you are going to have to do:
*Guess how many flowers are in the photo
*Make sure you are a Follower of our blog
One guess is allowed from each person
*Make sure you are a Follower of our blog
One guess is allowed from each person
Along with the bundle of goodies
Along with the bundle of goodies
the winner will also get a layout scrapped for them by me (Julie)
using some of the goodies from Toni's stash.
Happy guessing everyone!!
I think there is 94 flowers in the RAK!
I think there is 78 flowers. Have a great day!
My guess is 71.
My guess is around 81
My guess is 77 :)
my guess is 75
Mmmm my guess is 69?
Maybe 80.
I'm guessing 83. Great RAK! :D
82 flowers is my gess. :)
Hawe a nice day
My guess is 91.....
Great rak.....
I am guessing 74. What a gorgeous rak.
Wow! That's an awesome RAK to win! My guess is 88.
WOW, such an amazing RAK! I guess there are 69 flowers at the picture.
I'm guessing 90 flowers. This RAK is awesome!!
My guess is 73
I guess 68. Thanks for the chance to take part.
I'm going with 62. Awesome RAk, thanks opportunity!!!
hmmm. i'm gonna go with 70! :)
I will go with 71... thanks for the chance to win!!!
My guess is 58. I have been seeing some wonderful pages coming from these challenges...I think I am going to give it a try... Hugs, AMY
i think i am going to say 100. awsome rak. Thanks for sharing.
My guess is 77 :)
Lovely giveaway, happy new year to all of you :)
Oh men, there are a lot!!! But i say; 45.
be blessed!
I say 47!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
I'll guess 99
Gorgeous goodies and Happy New Year to you all.
I`ll guess 62!!!Why cause it popped right into my head,lol.
I think there is 65 flowers. Thanks for the chance to win... Thanks for your beautiful blog and Happy New Year!!!
I thought I was a follower because you are on the links on my blog...but I wasn't, so I became one! LOL. My guess is 81 flowers. They are gorgeous, btw!
Oh my, I am not good at guessing.. I will go with 60. And thank you so much at a chance at these goodies. Jane
Oh, my! I just found your blog and am in love! I'm such a shabby chic girl! Hoping to play along with the challenge! So excited!
My guess is 84! Thanks for the chance to win!
My guess is 72 !!!! & happy new year !!!
I think 59!!!!
love the rak
Thanks for this amazing RAK! My guess is 79!
Looks lovely :)
My guess is 63.
My guess is 64 - what an awesome rak!
My guess.....87!
Fantastic rak - my guess is 58.
Oooo I'm going to guess 63 :D
What a fab blog and fab giveaway :D
Julie xx
Ohhhhhhhh what a Fabulous giveaway - My guess is 91 - don't know why but that is what came to my head - off to check out Toni's blog - thanks for the chance to win !
ow great rak. I guess there are 58 flowers on the photo
50 flowers
78. great
It wont let me follow you!!!! Ahhh!! Been trying for 2 days!!!
There are 68!!
Oh dear Jodi!
I dont think there's been a problem with anyone else....
Please sing out if there is???!!!
Weeee sooo want you as a follower Jodi!!!
Can the next person who signs in as a follower please let us know if you did so okay???
Thanks soooo much!
i think there are 65 flowers in the RAK fab challenge thanks
82? Thanks for sthe RAK. I am a follower and not just b/c of the RAK:)
Thanks for the guessing brain take game.
I will stop on 99 flowers!!!))))
Great prize! and the layout...mmmm)
I am a follower & I am going to guess there are 60 flowers in the photo. The winner of this RAK is going to be one lucky girl!
I'm a follower and my guess is 52 flowers :o)
wow fab give away my guess is 49
I say 53 flowers i love flowers also
I am a follower of your blog and thankyou for this awesome chance to win some goodies. My guess is um.....40.
My guess is 67...and I'm a follower!
Mary Smith
Hilliard, OH
Hi girls...this rak is already won....
Check for the winner in the next post...
And then check for the Lace Rak
Moi, je tente 75 ????
Bonne année, Cricri
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