Formally known as 'Let's Get Shabby' since 2009.
Times have changed and many of us have found our styles have too.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


(also September 2010 DT Call - 2nd part criteria)


is all about


(gingham is a colour and white checked pattern)

Its all about marrying the gingham and floral together

to create that fabulous country cottage chic atmosphere!

Use papers, fabrics for example, make LO's, off-the-page,

altered items or cards, atc's.......

whatever makes your heart happy!

What we want to see is gingham and floral print in paper or fabric mixed together (not just gingham and just actual flowers) Of course add flowers....if you wish....

but we want to see gingam and floral paper or fabric married together!

Its a special country shabby look!

****EDITED 11 SEPT 2010****

THe gingham and floral print 'look' has a definite place in the shabbychic world especially in soft furnishings. We were trying to see who can recreate this 'style' / 'look' within a scrapbooking creation

When we were choosing which challenge to use as the second part of the dt call, we decided to go with the ‘Gingham and Floral’ as we felt that it had been one of our most challenging and it turns out that this may still be true!.

We’ve had a few emails about clarification – and it could be a language difference as it happened just like this back when we ran this challenge..

The problem seems to lie with the word ‘floral’.

Yes, you can use flower embellishments on your page and is not part of the criteria

The focus needs to be on floral print patterns as in patterned papers or fabrics combined with gingham..

This needs to be evident and a feature in your dt creation for this part of the call.

If you have already submitted and want to submit again- please do! We would only need to receive your ‘Floral and Gingham’ creation with the work ‘Re-submit’ in the subject line if you feel the need.

Understanding criteria is very important at 'Let's Get Shabby' and we want to really see how your individual style, creativeness, and flair shines through it!!!(very big smile!!)

And here are some quick-links for previous posts:

Music challenge and DT call

Mandy's dress tutorial


Soooooo with much are our Design Team samples




We are sooo excited to see what stunning creations you will come up with!!!


Anonymous said...

Ohhh those examples look amazing, I cant wait to have a go at this challenge and that prize looks devine!!!

Unknown said...

Now, this is what i call a real challenge! I have to take a closer look to understand what is asked! But i like to give it a go, anyway!

Great price, that's for sure!

Romy said...

Wow, I love this challenge. I've got a few gingeham fabrics and papers, and a lot of flowers of course, so thic will be lots of fun to make! I love all the examples you make. They are all very beautiful and totally shabby.

Deb said...

Oh! WOW WOW WOW The DT creations are gorgeous. I can't wait to get started on this challenge.

CorinneD. said...

Gorgeous creations!!!!
I like this challenge...I will try to do it!!

Unknown said...

OOOO wauwy love this one.The fabrics and the flowers this is heaven to me..thanks thanks...hihi.And girls good luck.DT your work is glorias.
bye bye,Lean

Marg said...

Beautiful work and a beautiful challenge....Cant wait to have a little go at this one!!!!! Love how you all inspire us!!!

Rhonda said...

I love what I have come up with... I will be using these two patterns together a lot more now ! Thanks for the challenge!! And yeah I was a little quick this time around!!
Thanks Ladies for another great challenge!

mandysea said...

wow Arby!! Yes...there is such a fashionable place for gingham scrap-wise now if put with florals!!! (Country shabby-chic style knew this all along!!) lol!
Very big smile!
I'm going to dig some of my old gingham papers out from years ago and give them new life too!

Romy said...

Yesterday evening I started making the layout for this challenge. And it was so much fun! I hope I used enough gingham. You can find my LO here:

Rhonda Bates said...

I was a little stumped with this one, but the DT's work was a real inspiration....

Rhonda Bates said...

sorry I forgot to put my link up for thanks

Gladie said...

Great challenge - and for those of you that like me have no Gingham in your stash, I thought I'd share this: Free Digital Gingham Papers :)

mandysea said...

Thats so cool, thanks for the link Gladie!! You're a gem!!

Krissy Christie said...

Wow stunning work from the DT!I have done mine (my first attempt at shabby scrapping.....I think I could easily get hooked I had soooo much fun!) Hope I used enough can see my LO here

Thanks for the inspiration!
Krissy xx

Deb said...

I've finished mine.....thanks so much girls for the inspiration.

Brigitta said...

Great challenge and fab prize!! LOVE what Mandy came up with!!! I'll see if I can actually find some time and peace to sit down and work on this one.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

OH!! I love your work here!!! I'll go find my gingham papers!!! ps. fab prize!

Timcso said...

Wow! Wonderful works!! I love it the challenge!:)

chris a said...

Just love your blog and the challenges - here's my take on gingham and florals

Lea said...

wow wow wow just amazing projects from the DT. awesome job ladies...

Maria said...

Wow, what a great challenge. Love your work, DT girls!!!!!!!
Maria K.

Anonymous said...

Great challenge blog! I love the great projects from the DT!
Here's my contribution:

Scrappinraiderfan said...

Here is my entry, thanks for the challenge.

Marg said...

What a wonderful challenge....Thanks so much I loved it....
Here is my entry.....

Thanks heaps for looking.....

Toni said...

Hi, what a wonderful challenge, I have finally got a chance to do this challenge, I missed the last one and what a great prize.

Here is my entry...

The title is "A little Ray of Sunshine"

thanks Toni

Torill said...

realy great challenge!! And here is my LO for it!

Toni said...

I want 2 play, What a great challenge!! I'm not sure how 2 link my blog, but I'll give it a try!!
Thanks 4 the great challenge!!!

mandysea said...

Toni, you linked perfectly! I've been over and had a look!

Toni said...

Mandy, Thanks, Iam so glad I was able 2 figure it out!!! This is an awesome site, Glad I found it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello I'm so excited to have discovered a blog especially created for us shabby ladies! I am a shabby girl at heart and hope to participate in as many challenges as I can. I'd love to know when your next DT call will be and would be especially excited if you visit my blog. You'll see I put my heart and soul into every creation. I created a gift bag a bit too late for your 1st challenge but I hope to post a gingham and floral creation soon. Have a wonderful weekend....Abby:)

Divine Design said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Boukje said...

Hi, a great challenge with gingham and florals! and great work of the DT!
You can find my take of the challenge here.

Gladie said...

Awsome challenge - and the DT-samples are stunning! I'm amused too, can't believe you actually made me do this ;) Thank you! :)

Kirsty said...

Love the challenge again guys...the examples are just STUNNING!!! Here is what i have done:)

Blondeone said...

Here is my entry interesting challenge this one was

Jane, at Thepaperaffair said...

Fabulous cards Ladies, you so inspire me, so much so I was excited to create my own Shabby card as an entry. I am going to try and link it, fingers crossed other wise I am giving my blog address too. Thanks you SO much, can't wait to see the rest of the cards and your next challenge. My link is here is my entry

Anonymous said...

Love this challenge and all your creations! There is soooo much inspiration in here!

Here's my layout:


liszha said...

I just discovered your website today and as I am a shabby/vintage lover I felt right at home and gave your challenge a try too.
Have a great day!

Ruth Philps said...

I had a bright idea today!! I wondered if you could do a post with the participants name and a link to them after they have made their item.....last month I would have loved to have seen everyones entries and left comments but it would have taken too long to trawl back through all the comments to see who had finished theirs. Perhaps you could add to the list during the month? I hope you don't mind me suggesting this of course it may be too time consuming with all of the entrants so just tell me to p--- of!! (Sorry xxx)

mandysea said...

It's an idea Ruth, one of merit!
I'll see what we can manage.

mandysea said...

Hmmn, I looked through the last challenge entry comments and there were 45! It really becomes a lot of work for us to contantly update photos and also the amount of space it requires especially when we need the challenge critera and dt samples to be at the top all month for easy access to the girls wanting to play along.
It was a good thought though Ruth!

yyam said...

Love this challenge!

Here's my entry

Gladie said...

Ruth, if you (before you send your first comment on each challenge) set a mark in the little box saying "email updates to me", you will get every comment directly to your inbox - most of the urls will become clickable links. Or, subscribe to comments feed for every challenge, and they all will be in your browser under Channels (like any other blogfeed). If you have Google Reader, you also can subscribe to comments by marking the comments page, right click and "copy", click the "add subscription" button, right click and paste the link into the opened box (other readers work similar way I guess). Sorry the awful language, hopefully someone can translate this into proper English ... ;)

Julie said...

Thanks for the tips Gladie. Subscribing to the comments here would work a treat. I have the blog set up to get email notification so pop in and check out entries as they are linked. It is easy enough to do that way.

Kerryn said...

I've played along this month. My layout is here :). Thanks for the awesome inspiration girls!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, here's my entry...can't wait for next month's:

CorinneD. said...

my layout is here:


Unknown said...

Hi girls,my funny face is on my blog .Love the challenge...fabrics and flowers.I´ts all a girl wants.
bye bye,Lean

zandra said...

Hi, I was over at Toni's site and came over to check it out. This will be my first time to play! It was fun and this is a great site. Thanks, You can find my page here:
Hugz, Z

Just Sweet Creations said...

Hi All your DT's ar beautiful here's Mine
thanks for looking
Anne L

Marjan said...

Jenneke asked me to give it a try. Normally I don't do challenges. I'm to unpretentious I think.
You can find my entry on
I'm sorry the stories are all dutch written.

Thanks for looking! Marjan

Nikki Love said...

I don't have it posted on my blog yet but here's mine in my gallery:

Awesome challenge and beautiful inspiration!

Unknown said...

Well, here is my entry for the challenge.
I hope you like it! Thanks again for letting me join!
Be Blessed!

Lesley said...

Great challenge and DT work is fab!

Here is my LO

Thanks for looking xx

Rochelle said...

I've done my challenge for the month, hope you like them, I actually did 2!!

Tracey said...

I have just found this blog today so I hope I get the chance to have a go at this challenge as I love it!!!!

Divine Design said...

wow so many beautiful projects...
here is a link to mine
thanks for stopping by.

Jamie Dougherty (jaylynn) said...

Here is mine :) I loved this challenge and was so excited to actually have time LOL to do this :)

Unknown said...

here is my LO:

LENA said...

Really great challange!
Here's my entry!

Boukje said...

Here I am again :)
My link above brings you to my blog, my entry is all the way down yet. So I put another link for my shabby layout here:

ARTfulWings said...

Wow! lots of loverly enteries, Here is my design using the gingham and floral theme. BFN
Here is my design

Timcso said...

DT works absolute amazing!! I love this challenge!

Here is my entry:

Hugs, Tímea

AnnaB said...

I really love this challenge and your layouts and projects! Very inspiring...!!!! I'm not usually the most shabby scrapper... but I like to try it every once in a while. Here is my take on this challenge:

Thank you!

Monica said...

Wonderful works from the DT!
Here is my entry! :)

annika5064 said...

Is there a gallery where we can se all entries?

mandysea said...

Hi Annika! At this stage there isnt, we are great believers in getting out there and looking though blogs. Most importantly encouraging everyone in leaving comments and seeing all kinds wonderful work.
I know there have been a heap of new friendships stuck up just from particating here and lots of followers joining lists!
We LOVE this social side!!!

mandysea said...

Ooops I meant friendships 'struck up' not stuck up lol!! My thinking is too fast for my fingers!!

sam said...

Hello girls! I used a sewing machine for the 1st time of my life !!!! And I made a cover of cushion !!! You want to see? It is by here

Deb said...

I am enjoying the "social side" of Let's get Shabby and have been trying to visit everyone's blog to see their creations. I think I have visited them all but some I have been unable to leave a comment on - probably something my end that I'm doing wrong. Nevertheless everyone's work is all so inspiring.

amber said...

what a fun challenge! :) i can't wait to take part in the next one!! my entry is below.

thanks for such fabulous inspiration...i'm learning so much from this lovely blog! be blessed...

Maria said...

Here is my Canvas for this challenge hope it covers the critera okay....
Thanks Julie for pushing me to have a go at this one I love how my canvas turned out....

annika5064 said...

Hi girls!
I gave it a try; here´s my entry:

Scrappycat said...

It was real fun to make the challenge. Here is how mine turned out.

Looking forward for the next one to come up!

Christiane Courtin-Mangez said...

I'am happy to do my first work for your fabulous challenge, my participation is here :

"avec mon papa" 17 août

Olivia said...

Wow!!! Beautiful & varied creations everyone :) My LO for the challenge is here:

Lisa K said...

Here is my take on this months challenge.....

Better late than never....

Dont forget to join my followers to be in the draw for a RAk

Her Essential Hand said...

Here is Layout

ann said...

Here is my take on challenge 2.

Thanks for the challenge xxx

annes paperfun said...

Gorgeous DT creations!!!
Here is my layout

Thank you for the challenge :o))))

Natallie KING said...

Love everyones work. All so beautiful including the DT.
Done mine too.

Maria said...

The creations of the DT team are totally fabulous again! I enjoyed doing this challenge.
Here is my entry:

Ruth Philps said...

Hi Ladies....mine is up on my blog at last.

Thanks for the tips on doing an e-mail comment feed I am going to give that a try and then I can visit everyone who has participated!!

ps: I enjoyed this combination so much I can feel more gingham and flowers coming on!

Melissa said...

i love your blog and can't wait to do another blog

Lovely Linda said...

Hello ladies - I have been trying to get to your challenge all week and have just amanged to scrape in at 11:45pm - just as well I am in Canberra and know the time here! Here is my card:

Thank you for the opportunity to play - I LOVE the Vintage goodies! God bless you!